Polly's Blog

Polly Snape (Paula Marris)
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Click for larger image15/01/2010
I went to St Charles school in Hull. I will be working with 3 different classes to act out some of the stories I have already written. Hull had some very bad floods 2 years ago so we will be writing a story about what might happen if the school sails away.
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Click for larger image19/01/2010
We started thinking about different teacher characters today. It was lots of fun and everyone had great ideas. In the end we decided to have a Headteacher who is normally very quiet but turns into a crazy pirate once the ship starts to sail away.
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Click for larger image21/01/2010
I was working at Bricknell School in Hull today. When the floods came in 2007 they had to close the school. They have a fantastic idea for using up old plastic bottles – they have made a greenhouse! Now they will be able to grow lots of different types of plants.
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