Polly's Blog

Polly Snape (Paula Marris)
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Click for larger image07/01/2010
I stayed in my hotel all day today, working on the story. It is going to be about a boy called Ali who is trying to save his island from disappearing. I have started drawing some of the pictures but I will need to wait until I visit school again on Sunday to find out what the children think should happen to Ali.
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Click for larger image08/01/2010
Today I visited the Banyan Tree resort on the island of Vabbinfaru. It is a very beautiful hotel that also has its own Marine Lab. I met a man called Dr. Steve and he showed me how the island is using metal frames in the sea to try to grow new coral to help protect the shores.
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Click for larger image09/01/2010
Today I went to the capital city, Malé, to visit a monument that has been built to remember the Tsunami in 2004. Many people were killed and many islands were damaged when the big waves crashed into them. On Monday I will be meeting some children who faced the Tsunami when they were younger.
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