Polly's Blog

Polly Snape (Paula Marris)
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Click for larger image10/01/2010
This morning I met with Mr Ibrahim Ismail. He works for the people who decide what children should be learning at school in the Maldives. He gave me lots of information for the website. I was amazed to find out how big some of the schools are in Malé. Many of the primary schools have over 1000 pupils – all the traffic has to stop when the parents try to pick their children up after school!
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Click for larger image11/01/2010
This morning I met with some children who told me what happened to them in the Tsunami. Many of the children had been on small islands and had to run up to the top of the highest buildings or hide in their mosque. One boy still has scars on his foot from when he was injured by it. They said it was very scary. They also gave me lots of good ideas for my story. In the afternoon I visited a different school that had a beautiful entrance gate that a parent had made.
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Click for larger image12/01/2010
Last night I met with some lovely girls from the Girl Guides in the Maldives. I told them all about my project and they helped me to think about how I could finish the story. They drew lots of very good pictures too. The girls have all made a plan to think about how they can help the environment this year.
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