Polly's Blog

Polly Snape (Paula Marris)
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Click for larger image18/07/2009
Today I went to the Cristalino Jungle Lodge. We drove past a lot of trees that had been chopped down. There were a hundred butterflies waiting when we got there! In the afternoon I met my guide, Leonardo, and we went for a walk in the forest.
Hoje eu fui no Cristalino Jungle Lodge. Nos passamos por muitas árvores que foram cortadas. Milhares de borboletas estavam esperando por mim. Nesta tarde encontrei meu guia, Leonardo, e fomos caminhar pela floresta.
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Click for larger image19/07/2009
We went on the river today. We saw lots of different birds and a caiman too. Our raft got stuck on top of a big rock!
Hoje, nós passeamos pelo rio. Nós vimos muitos pássaros diferentes e um jacaré também. E nossa lancha parou encima de uma pedra!
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Click for larger image20/07/2009
Today I climbed up to the top of a big tower. It was 50m tall and higher than the trees. We saw lots of macaws and a woodpecker but my favourite thing was the monkeys. We saw them swinging through the trees and one of them had a little baby on her back.
Hoje eu subi na grande torre. Ela era 50 metros de altura e mais alta do as árvores. Nos vimos muitas araras e um pica-pau mas o meu preferido foi os macacos. Nos vimos eles balançando nas árvores e um deles estava com um filhote nas suas costa.
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