Borneo blog

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Click for larger image16/08/2009
Today I arrived in Pangkalan Bun in Borneo. I am staying at ‘Kampung Konservasi’ which is an education centre that teaches people how to protect the forest so that orang-utans have a place to live. They also teach people how to grow fruit and vegetables from their own land. My room is a small wooden hut in the tomato garden!
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Click for larger image17/08/2009
Today is Independence Day in Indonesia so everyone is on holiday. I have been looking at the gardens at Kampung Konservasi. They grow chillies and tomatoes and cabbages and lots of different fruits. They can sell their cabbages for a lot of money because they are organic, which means they do not use chemicals to help them grow.
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Click for larger image18/08/2009
Today I travelled to a small village. The people who live there sold their forest to the people who own the palm oil plantations and now they don’t have enough money for food so they are learning to grow their own. They had a party in the afternoon and had lots of competitions. We won the tug-of-war! In the evening we watched a film on the village field underneath the stars.
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